Posted December 15, 2020 in Featured News

Arise, Shine, for your Light has Come!

How much we need that LIGHT of Christ this year….
How much we need the newness that birth can bring….
How much we would love to have our attention captivated by
something other than masks and hand sanitizer….

Be filled anew with the birth of the Holy Child!
May it wash over you!
Allow it to renew you, and warm you, and send you out in joy!

Yet beware: for while this birth will fill you
and send you out to places yet unseen,
As well, it will send you back to places
you know and have known this year –
send you back by another way
like the wise ones who came to his side.

Be alert to these other ways
May you find them surprising, lifegiving and challenging.
We travel them for salvation –
ours and that of the world.
We travel them with the Child.

Go in Peace and Love…..and Grace.

Sue, Wayne, Elizabeth, Gwenn, Frank & Mike