Synod funds are given to several colleges and universities within our bounds to support Campus Ministries. In some cases, the funds go toward the salaries of the college chaplains and help cover programming costs.
- Bloomsburg University (Protestant Campus Ministry)
- Mansfield University (United Campus Ministry)
- Penn State University (Westminster Presbyterian Fellowship)
- Wilson College (Protestant Campus Ministry)
- West Liberty University (Protestant Campus Ministry)
- Westminster College (Westminster Presbyterian Fellowship)
In West Virginia, the Westminster Foundation supports several universities in the state. The Synod provides funds to the Foundation, which in turn passes them on to those schools’ Campus Ministries.
- Beckley (WVU Tech)
- Davis & Elkins College (Spiritual Life & Church Relations)
- Fairmont State University (Wesley Foundation)
- Marshall University (UKirk)
- West Virginia University (Harless Center)
To read more about what is being done in these institutions, click here.