NOTE: This grant is only for Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)-affiliated organizations that reside within the bounds of the Synod of the Trinity.
A partnership is a group of people from different congregations, presbyteries or organizations responding to Jesus’ call. They are passionate about a common interest or concern, and they connect with one another to live out that call in ongoing ways. This grant is available for developing, connecting and nurturing a partnership. Synod Partnership Grant awards are ordinarily up to $2,000 but may be as high as $3,000 for new partnerships that include people from multiple presbyteries. Preference will be given to new partnerships.
Click here to download the Partnership Grant application. (After downloading this application to your desktop, it should appear as a fillable form. After saving the form, it can be emailed to the Synod of the Trinity at
Note: An entity may only apply for one Synod grant per year. Please choose carefully as you consider your application.
Feb. 1: Funding decisions will be made by March 1
May 1: Funding decisions will be made by June 1
Oct. 1: Funding decisions will be made by Nov. 1
Check out this quick video that explains how to download and prepare your fillable grant form, including three detailed ways to create that electronic signature that will allow for faster interaction between congregations and presbyteries. Find the video tutorial here. (For a free version of Adobe Acrobat Reader to help you view the application, click here.)
A similar grant, called the Network Grant, had been offered by the Synod prior to 2017. Below are ways that Network Grants were utilized throughout the Synod. (Network Grants are no longer available.)
Mission experience allows student groups to gather in own ‘backyard’
First Presbyterian Church of Lancaster, PA, has created a new program called “Backyard Missions,” which is designed to provide student groups and their leaders with short-term mission experiences that transform lives, impact the local community and honor Christ. Click here to read more.
First Church of Masontown (PA) reaching community
With the help of a Synod of the Trinity Network Grant, First Presbyterian Church of Masontown, PA, in conjunction with the Klondike Clergy Association, is using some technology to reach out to the community and spread the word about local events. Click here to read more.
Empty Bowls Monongalia (WV) program puts food on table for needy
What started out as a fundraiser at First Presbyterian Church of Morgantown, WV, for its Sunday morning breakfast has turned into a county-wide initiative that is bringing in over $100,000 a year to help feed the needy. A Synod Network Grant helped create an educational video and purchase a projector that was used in schools. Read more by clicking here.
Lake Erie holds Big Event 2016 workshops
Thanks in part to a $2,500 Synod of the Trinity Network Grant, the Presbytery of Lake Erie, along with congregations and presbyteries in western New York and eastern Ohio, held its biennial Big Event in the spring of 2016. The workshops were available to anyone in the presbytery as well as any of its neighbors. To read more, click here.
Synod joins work to end homelessness in Morgantown, WV
The Synod of the Trinity is now contributing to the elimination of homelessness in Morgantown, WV, through a $7,000 Network Grant to the Coordinating Council on Homelessness, which is working with community organizations there. CCOH coordinates the work of 20 area agencies that serve persons experiencing homelessness. To read more, click here.
Trailer helps Third PC of Uniontown, PA, find its mission
It’s only been in the last 10 years that Third Presbyterian Church of Uniontown, PA, has been diving into the mission experience. But with the help of a 16-foot tool trailer and truck — both of which were purchased with the help of Synod grant money — Third PC has been making regular trips to places like the Gulf Coast and New Jersey to help rebuild areas devastated by flooding. To read more, click here.
Association of Presbyterian Church Educators
Keith Sundberg, the Associate Pastor of Wayside Presbyterian Church in Erie, PA, co-chaired the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators’ annual gathering. A Synod Network Grant helped the group hire an artist whose work made a big impact at the event. To read more, click here.
Olivet Presbyterian Church Community Garden
Due to a need in the community, the congregation built a garden on its property and, working with the Interboro School District, distributed the fruits and vegetables to those who were deserving. To read more, click here.