Presbytery News
Boundary Training
Boundary Training is required every 36 months for those who are active teaching elders, ruling elders, certified Christian educators and students under care of the Committee on Preparation for Ministry. The Presbytery of Carlisle is hosting a training event Feb. 18 from 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. at the Presbyterian Congregation of Middletown for everyone except ruling elders.
(Those who need the training should have received an email reminder in mid-January. If you didn’t receive an email and would like to attend anyway, let Kristal Smith know!)
Sessions are responsible for ensuring their ruling elders receive this training and may create their own, locate other resources or use the video and materials from the training offered by the presbytery in 2024. Reach out to Kristal if you would like to use or review those materials.
Communion Training for Ruling Elders
In accordance with G-2.1001 and W-2.0303 in the Book of Order, the Presbytery of Carlisle is providing training April 26 from from 9 a.m. to noon at Paxton Presbyterian Church for a ruling elder to preside at the Lord’s Supper within their own congregation. Because this is at the invitation and authorization of the session, either the clerk or the session moderator can register their ruling elders by reaching out to Kristal Smith. Registration for this event is capped at 20 participants. The Commission on Ministry has found this to be a good way to equip churches without regular pastoral leadership as well as encourage deeper theological understanding and broader flexibility in administering the Sacrament.
- A Clearer Look at Today’s Church
- Giving & Spending Dynamics
- Facilities: Blessings & Burdens
- Structured Decision-making
- Feb. 6, 2025 @ FPC Clark’s Summit, 300 School St.
- March 6, 2025 @ Faith Emmaus, 3002 N. 2nd St.
- April 3, 2025 @ FPC Montrose, 367 Church St.
- May 1, 2025 @ FPC Stroudsburg, 575 Main St.
- lodging and meals provided
- accessible facility
Church Economics Series
This four-month series of in-person educational programs will address topics of congregational financial sustainability, property issues and models of organized governance discernment. Four gatherings will be offered, each focusing on different topics. This event will take a clear look at today’s church while providing an opportunity to network with other church leaders. Pastors, clerks of session, treasurers and active members are strongly encouraged to attend. There will be time at each session to discuss successful common practices in church ministry.
All programs begin at noon with a light lunch provided.
Questions? Contact Hannah at: or
Click here to register.
Coach Training
Coach training for pastors and church leaders by Lackawanna and Lehigh Congregational Empowerment Team will be held Feb. 25-26 at Kirkridge Retreat Center, Bangor, PA (
A focus will be on practical skills to work with yourself, individuals and churches to identify needs, set goals and develop action steps for growth and well-being.
The course runs from 9 a.m. Tuesday through 5 p.m. Wednesday, and is free to pastors and church leaders from Mountain Laurel Presbytery (Lackawanna and Lehigh churches).
Learn how to listen deeply, ask powerful questions, and assist others in developing actionable goals for lasting change.
Register by clicking here by Feb. 14.
Lackawanna Presbytery Calendar
Click here for upcoming events around Lackawanna Presbytery.
- A Clearer Look at Today’s Church
- Giving & Spending Dynamics
- Facilities: Blessings & Burdens
- Structured Decision-making
- Feb. 6, 2025 @ FPC Clark’s Summit, 300 School St.
- March 6, 2025 @ Faith Emmaus, 3002 N. 2nd St.
- April 3, 2025 @ FPC Montrose, 367 Church St.
- May 1, 2025 @ FPC Stroudsburg, 575 Main St.
- lodging and meals provided
- accessible facility
Church Economics Series
This four-month series of in-person educational programs will address topics of congregational financial sustainability, property issues and models of organized governance discernment. Four gatherings will be offered, each focusing on different topics. This event will take a clear look at today’s church while providing an opportunity to network with other church leaders. Pastors, clerks of session, treasurers and active members are strongly encouraged to attend. There will be time at each session to discuss successful common practices in church ministry.
All programs begin at noon with a light lunch provided.
Questions? Contact Hannah at: or
Click here to register.
Coach Training
Coach training for pastors and church leaders by Lackawanna and Lehigh Congregational Empowerment Team will be held Feb. 25-26 at Kirkridge Retreat Center, Bangor, PA (
A focus will be on practical skills to work with yourself, individuals and churches to identify needs, set goals and develop action steps for growth and well-being.
The course runs from 9 a.m. Tuesday through 5 p.m. Wednesday, and is free to pastors and church leaders from Mountain Laurel Presbytery (Lackawanna and Lehigh churches).
Learn how to listen deeply, ask powerful questions, and assist others in developing actionable goals for lasting change.
Register by clicking here by Feb. 14.
Presbytery of Lehigh Calendar
Click here for upcoming events around the Presbytery of Lehigh.
African American Heritage Celebration
The Philadelphia Chapter of the National Black Presbyterian Caucus in partnership with the Presbytery of Philadelphia will hold its annual African American Heritage Celebration on Sunday, Feb. 23, at 3 p.m. at Oxford Presbyterian Church.
Our speakers will be the Rev. LaThelma A. Yenn Batah and the Rev. Samuel Yenn Batah. Be part of this inspiring afternoon that honors the area’s rich heritage.
Boundaries Training
The Presbytery of Philadelphia will hold anti-racism, anti-harassment and holistic boundaries training Thursday, March 6, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Abington Presbyterian Church.
Per the policies of the presbytery, this is required for all ministers, elders serving on sessions and anyone serving on the commissions and committees of the presbytery.
All pastors, members of sessions and members of all presbytery commissions and committees are encouraged to attend. Cost is $10 for lunch.
Presbytery of Philadelphia Calendar
Communion Training for Elders
Communion training is being offered at Pittsburgh Presbytery for elders on Jan. 30, from 6-8 p.m., and Feb. 6, from 10 a.m. to noon. This training is intended for elders from churches that do not have a minister. If you are interested, register here.
For more information, click here.
New Clerk of Session Training
There will be a Clerk of Session training session on Zoom on Saturday, Feb. 1, from 9:30-11:30 a.m. Clerks who are new to the role are encouraged to attend, and all clerks are welcome to join for a refresher course.
Email Leslie Bogdon if you are interested in joining.
Henry Highland Garnet Weekend 2025
The second annual Henry Highland Garnet weekend will be held Feb. 21-23 at Bidwell Street United Presbyterian Church (1025 Liverpool St., Pittsburgh). The theme of the weekend is “Empowering Ourselves with Unconventional Methods During Unconventional Times.” The events are sponsored by the National Black Presbyterian Caucus and the presbyetry’s Anti-Racism Transformation Team. For a flyer with information regarding the event, click here. Event times and registration link is here.
Pittsburgh Presbytery Calendar
A Lenten Journey with Luke
The Presbytery of Redstone will host an in-person and Zoom IPLF workshop titled “A Lenten Journey with Luke” on Saturday, Feb. 1, from 12:30-3:30 p.m. at the Redstone Presbytery Center (1004 Mt. Pleasant Road, Greensburg, PA 15601). The instructor will be the Rev. Derek Campbell.
With the upcoming Lenten season, the workshop will expound on the gospel texts of the RCL preparation and learn for how God might be leading us for ourselves and in our calling as preachers. In addition to the current cohort of IPLF students, any commissioned pastor, Minister of Word and Sacrament or ruling elder from sponsoring presbyteries is welcome to participate for personal and ministry enrichment through Inter-Presbytery Leadership Formation (IPLF).
To register, contact Karen Gray at 724-837-6737 or
Click here to learn more about IPLF.
Redstone Presbytery Calendar
Leaderfest 2025
A Leaderfest training event will be held on Feb. 1 in Shenango Presbytery. Special guest speaker will be the Rev. Michael Gehrling of 1001 Worshipping Communities. A special preview video by Michael is available by clicking here.
Cost is $10 per person or $25 for a group from your church. Leaderfest will be held on the campus of Westminster College and at the New Wilmington Presbyterian Church.
To register, click here.
Sudan Partnership Anniversary Celebration
Shenango Presbytery will celebrate 30 years of partnership with the Sudan and South Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Churches (SPEC and SSPEC) during its Leaderfest gathering on Feb. 1, 2025. The Rev. Thomas Tut, moderator of the South Sudan Presbyterian Evangelical Church, will be with us as the presbytery looks back at three decades of this rich connection that has so greatly blessed both us and its partners.
The presbytery will gather at 5 p.m. at Northminster Presbyterian Church in Neshannock, which will include a dinner prepared by Tom Kaufman and Northminster members followed by a time of praise and thanksgiving for all the good that God has brought in this partnership. A free will offering will be taken to cover the costs of the meal and to benefit the ministries of our partners.
Use the RSVP form for reservations; one reservation form per group will suffice. Call Jim Leuenberger at 724-813-1295 with any questions about this event.
Joint Mission Trip for Hurricane Relief
Shenango Presbytery is partnering with Westminster College for a special joint mission trip to North Carolina to help with hurricane relief efforts March 9-15. The cost is $500 per person, but there is a $100 per person grant available from the Mission Committee. If you are interested in participating, complete the registration form and read the informational sheet.
Questions? Contact Beth Creekpaum. The registration deadline is Feb. 17.
Resurrection Power Breakfast
The annual Resurrection Power breakfast will be held Saturday, April 12, from 8:30-10:30 a.m. at The Elks Lodge in Washington. View the event brochure for full ticket and sponsorship information.
West Virginia
Church Officer Training
The Presbytery of West Virginia will hold Church Officer Training on Feb. 16 and 23 from 2-5 p.m. both days on Zoom.
This two-part course for newly-elected ruling elders and deacons will be taught by Susan Sharp Campbell, associate for Educational Ministry. These two sessions will build on and connect with each other, so participants are expected to participate in both. There is no cost to attend, but you do need to register by Feb. 7 in order to receive the Zoom link and advance assignment.
All participants will need a copy of the 2023-2025 PCUSA Book of Order. Participants may register as individuals, or whole sessions may register and participate together. If you have any questions, please contact Susan Sharp Campbell at 304-667-9428 or
More information is available by clicking here.
2025 Festival of Faith
The co-moderators of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), the Rev. CeCe Armstrong and the Rev. Tony Larson, will visit the Presbytery of West Virginia as keynote presenters for the 2025 Festival of Faith event on March 22 at First Presbyterian Church in Charleston, WV. The focus of their keynote will be “Journey to Serve: The State of the Church from our C.A.R. Window” (Communication, Alignment with God’s Will, Relationships). They will also lead a workshop on Discerning Purpose.
Festival of Faith is a day of learning through keynote and workshops, fellowship and worship and will be held from 9 a.m. to 3:45 p.m.
In addition, there will be more than a dozen other workshops on a variety of topics, plus mission displays and times for fellowship, food, and worship.
“It is a rare blessing, a gift, to have both co-moderators visit together,” said Maureen Wright, the presbytery’s transitional general presbyter. “I encourage you to make plans to attend the Festival of Faith to meet them, to share some West Virginia hospitality, and to hear their vision for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).”
Information and registration forms are available at If you would like a hard copy of any of these forms mailed to you, contact the presbytery office at or 304-744-7634.
Advance registration (with a lower cost), lunch orders and childcare requests must be received by the presbytery by Monday, March 3.