The Synod of the Trinity is making a change in office hours:
Many of you know that we have been working to allow staff to be as virtual as possible. At this point, we all can access anything we might need from anywhere, at anytime – even midnight! This is especially helpful for Wayne, Frank and Sue, who are not tethered to the office for their work.
Our “office colleagues,” the Presbytery of Carlisle, have recently had some staffing changes, and in the wake of that it made sense for them to close the office in the building on Fridays. That leaves the Synod, and usually 1-2 employees, working in the building from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on most Fridays. In an effort to save some resources, including driving time/distance, we are going to follow suit and have everyone work from home on Fridays. That means our primary accessibility will be by email. Emails are listed on the website, as are Wayne’s and Sue’s cell phone numbers. Most of you contact us by email anyway and this does not change anything for you. Know that in an emergency, Wayne and Sue can always be reached by phone, as has been the case.
Yes, this is similar to the way we are available between Christmas and New Year’s Day, with the office building closed, and staff doing a daily check of emails. At that time, the phones are forwarded to Sue.