The National Black Presbyterian Caucus biennial convention will meet on June 27-29 in Atlanta. The National Black Presbyterian Caucus (NBPC) is committed to Jesus Christ, working to ensure that the witness of Presbyterians of African descent is healthy, growing, dynamic and empowering; that racial justice is integral in the church’s self-understanding and lived out in every aspect of ministry within the Presbyterian Church. Transformational church growth and leadership development also remains a high priority for the NBPC.
The theme for the 45th biennial convention, which will be held at the Atlanta Marriott Buckhead Hotel, is “Seeking Racial Justice and Equity! Where Do We Go from Here?” The plenary sessions will focus on how the NBPC navigates its calling in the PCUSA and society to realize God’s beloved community. The 2019 convention is structured to educate and encourage its chapters and member congregations to fully participate in their governing bodies. In addition to the business meeting, discussion will center on the status of the 223rd General Assembly Overture 05-09 “On the Challenge of Being Black in the PCUSA” and hear about the preparation for NBPC’s 2020 General Assembly overture to be submitted in Baltimore.
More information and registration is available here.