Two webinars will be held in the coming weeks through the Presbyterian Outlook that are aimed to further your professional development from the comfort of your home or office. Each webinar is $29.95 (for up to six participants from a church or ministry setting) and comes with access to the web replay. Scholarships are available, thanks to The Omaha Presbyterian Seminary Foundation. Visit the website for details and eligibility.
On Tuesday, Feb. 14, at 2 p.m., a 90-minute presentation titled “No More ‘Church as Usual’ – Inviting God to Do a New Thing (or Two)” will be held by Nate Phillips.
The mainline church has a morale problem. Nate Phillips, author of “Do Something Else,” will guide a discussion on where churches can look for encouragement. This webinar will encourage faith communities and their leaders to reconsider “church as usual,” reengage Spirit-led entrepreneurialism and reimagine new models of ministry bubbling up in your midst. Many churches and leaders are already setting the pace. They are establishing new gatherings in old buildings and using new buildings to do old things. They are emphasizing diversity, welcome, and friendship. If these stories are hidden from view, they shouldn’t be.
For more information and to register, click here.
On Tuesday, March 28, at 2 p.m., Rebecca Kirkpatrick will lead a webinar titled “Confirmation: Equipping children, parents and congregations for the journey of faith.”
In the majority of our congregations, we continue to value the study and celebration that accompany confirmation as a significant rite of passage for young people, even as Sunday school attendance numbers fluctuate. This webinar will examine our expectations for confirmation classes and why it feels like more and more students are coming to this pivotal year unprepared to have the experience we want them to have. Should confirmation be an introduction to the Christian faith and life for young people, or a moment when their faith is transformed into something new?
For more information and to register, click here.