Grace Memorial Presbyterian Church in Pittsburgh will hold a celebration in honor of the Rev. Dr. Henry Highland Garnet during the weekend of Feb. 16-17. Garnet, the first black Presbyterian minister in Pittsburgh, was a pastor, educator, abolitionist, orator and ambassador. The events will honor the man who went from slavery to freedom.
Based on the theme of “What are lessons from Garnet for today?,” Feb. 16 will include a dinner and dialogue from 6-8:30 p.m. at Grace Memorial Church followed the next day by a lunch and discussion from 11 a.m. to 2:30 p.m.
Leading the discussions will be the Rev. Gavin Walton, the pastor of Grace Memorial Church; the Rev. Jimmie Hawkins, Director of Office of Public Witness for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.); and William “B” Marshall from Stop the Violence Pittsburgh.
Click here to register to attend. Donations will be accepted.