Posted April 21, 2020 in Around the Synod

BWRev. Brian Wallace, the associate minister to Pittsburgh Presbytery, hosted a webinar on “Live Streaming for the Long Haul” in early May. This webinar explored the five technical components required for live streaming a typical worship gathering. You can begin thinking and strategizing about these now so that you and your congregation are ready to “go live” as we move into the future.

The COVID-19 pandemic has pushed churches into doing church online in a rapid fashion. Now that we’ve opened the door to online church, it’s not going to close. Whether it be our older members, emerging adults who have moved away or young families, our people have discovered online church has some real advantages – and to discard it once we move toward the new normal is to our own peril.

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Rev. Wallace is a life-long geek, holds a degree in physics and computer science, and was the founder and managing partner of, a camera equipment company, until they were acquired in 2019. In that role he worked with companies such as Dancing with the Stars and Sony Pictures and helped develop live-streaming solutions for companies and professional sports teams.