
Welcome to your work with the Synod of the Trinity! We look forward to meeting you soon.

This page is full of information that you will need to prepare well for this important position.

Please use the materials below in any way you choose, but we suggest the initial videos are a good way to begin.

Commissioner Role

The intent of a commissioner is to have a two-focus role: one of governance as expressed through the Synod Assembly and one of a liaison. To review a checklist of commissioner roles and qualifications, click here. For information on the commissioner election process, click here.

Governing Commission

The Governing Commission acts on behalf of the Synod Assembly throughout the year. It includes the Synod’s co-moderators, eight elected commissioners, five ex-officio (four Synod staff members plus the previous moderator) and two advisory executive presbyters. Those on the current Governing Commission can be found here.


Policy Governance Materials

Short Synopsis

Policy Governance for the Rest of Us


Trinity PG Manual (Policy Governance Manual)

Governance Process Flow Circle

Please review the Introduction document and the videos before diving into the details of the Manual.

Note that a glossary of terms can be found near the end of the Manual.

Synod Ends

The Synod has created six “ends,” or targeted goals, that focus on our reasons for existence. Three of those ends have been highlighted as ones the Synod are focusing on at this time. The list of primary and secondary ends can be found by clicking here.

What does the Synod do?

It’s a common question, and not easily answered. For a recap of some of the things the Synod is responsible for, view a PowerPoint presentation that can also be easily printed and shared with your presbytery and congregations. A brochure in PDF form is available here; find a PowerPoint document here. For a more condensed version that also answers the question, “What does the Synod do?”, click here to download a flyer that can be folded and shared into a four-page mini booklet.

Synod Assembly

The Synod’s commissioners, supplemented by the attendance of several presbytery leaders and presbytery executives, meet once annually for the purposes of worship, interaction, exploration of issues and ordinary business. In recent years, commissioners have been asked to work with leadership in their presbyteries to compile information relating to their region. The information details are then shared with the body in hopes of creating stronger working relationships within the Synod’s bounds, and identifying how the Synod might best serve the presbyteries as they serve their congregations.

Below are links to recaps of the most recent Synod Assembly meetings. Click on the picture to read the reviews. At left is the 2022 Rhythm of the Synod, and at right is the 2023 review.

WP Data Tables

Regional Gatherings

Since 2016, the Synod has held Regional Connection for Partnership and Networking gatherings in four locations within our bounds. Consisting of worship and interaction, the regional meetings have also included multiple targeted conversation options that are centered around specific topics that relate to that area.

Below are links to recaps of recent regional gatherings. Click on the picture to read the reviews. At left is a recording to the 2021 gathering, and at right is the 2020 recap.

WP Data Tables