A Synod of the Trinity grant was available to help pay for traveling costs for General Assembly Commissioners from the region who were traveling to Portland for the 222nd General Assembly, which was held from June 18-25. All told, 15 of the 16 presbyteries within the Synod region accepted the $500 grant.
Here are a few snapshots provided from those individuals during their time in Portland:

HUNTINGDON – From left, YAAD Sarah Yarger, Ruling Elder Commissioner Nancy Bostian and Teaching Elder Commissioner Ernie Walls relax before a GA plenary session.

LACKAWANNA – Enjoying a moment in Portland are, clockwise from lower left, acting General Presbyter Virginia Miner, Ruling Elder Commissioner Harry Skene, Stated Clerk Margaret Zeigler, Teaching Elder Commissioner Alex Becker and Young Adult Advisory Delegate Melissa Fleming.

KISKIMINETAS – A group of people from the presbytery enjoy a meal in Portland. Pictured are, from left, Larry Greenslit (guest), Rev. Marty Cartmell, Michael Kahle (YAAD), Rev. Donald Wilson (General Presbyter), Marilyn Tully (Stated Clerk), Rev. Dana Wilmot (Commissioner), Sandy Gandolfi (Commissioner) and John Gandolfi.

LEHIGH – Taking a break from the General Assembly are, from left, Teaching Elder Dianne Kareha, Stated Clerk Marsha Heimann and Teaching Elder Commissioner Don Brown.

LAKE ERIE – Waiting for General Assembly to start are, from left, Al Bennett (GA commissioner, ruling elder from the Bethel, Cranesville Church), Megan Whitman (Young Adult Advisory Delegate, member of the Fairview Church), Rick Cepris (GA commissioner, teaching elder serving the Emmanuel Church, Erie), Lyn Cepris (wife of GA commissioner Rick Cepris) and Nicola Vitiello (GA commissioner, teaching elder serving the Girard Church).