Jihyun Oh, the Director of Mid Council Ministries for the Office of the General Assembly, stresses a point during the Synod’s 2021 regional gatherings, a presentation that has been adapted into a study guide.
During the 2021 Spring Regional Gatherings, leadership and Synod of the Trinity Commissioners participated in a time of learning with Jihyun Oh (Director of Mid Council Ministries, Office of the General Assembly) and Amanda Craft (Manager for Advocacy, Office of Immigration Issues) titled: “The Image of God In Us All.”
We share this opportunity with you to consider using as individuals, or in a small group setting. Participants were challenged to consider how our image of God impacts our view of self and others, as well as to take seriously what it means to confess this truth, and then live in a way that affirms humanity as made in the image of God – here and now.
What is the strong image of God
that guides and informs us,
compelling us to grow into disciples
who are moving ever closer
to Christ’s call of faithfulness?
Take a listen.
Let us know if you find this material helpful!
Note: A link to a corresponding inventory sheet is available in the comments section of the YouTube video. It is also available by clicking here. … If your study group would prefer to have the video available for download, contact Synod Communications Coordinator Mike Givler (mgivler@syntrinity.org).