Presbytery of Shenango congregations visiting Dominican Republic
There are 31 people — many from Presbytery of Shenango congregations — currently working in Sabaneta de Yasica in the Dominican Republic for the 24th year of an ongoing mission partnership that includes medical, education and construction efforts. Follow their week by clicking here.

Churches could be sued for not reporting child abuse
A federal court in Pennsylvania ruled that a local church and denominational agency could be sued on the basis of the legal principle of negligence per se by a victim of child abuse as a result of their failure to report.

One Great Hour of Sharing lending helping hand
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) offerings make a positive difference for hungry and hurting people. With OGHS offerings, Self-Development of People (SDOP) and Presbyterian Hunger Program (PHP) are able to help groups establish community gardens in food deserts like downtown Detroit and New Orleans, as well as provide support for many other projects to…

Davis & Elkins College offering new scholarships
Davis & Elkins College, located in Elkins, WV, is in the process of constructing the Morrison-Novakovic Center for Faith and Public Policy, which is scheduled to open in the fall of 2016. As a part of this center, Davis & Elkins will be offering four renewable $10,000 scholarships (in addition to all other financial aid)…