Commissioner Corner: Sheila Farrer, Presbytery of Redstone
What was your childhood dream job?: School teacher (which I performed for 34 years )
Commissioner Corner: Bill Netting, Presbytery of Donegal
Commissioner goals: Helping to implement the new visions for ministry being discerned by the Synod.
Old Union PC goes back to New Jersey
On June 26-July 2, 17 people from five churches participated in a mission trip organized by Old Union Presbyterian Church of Mars, PA. The team traveled to Bayville, N.J., to assist in the ongoing recovery from Superstorm Sandy. A blog was set up here, on which daily entries were posted with updates on their work…
Today at GA: Presbytery of Lake Erie
Reflections from the Presbytery of Lake Erie The last three days of general Assembly business can feel like ‘drinking from a fire hose.’ Decisions, upon decisions, upon decisions. With over 700 people voting it is simply not possible for everyone to speak to every issue. And with dozens of motions there is plenty of opportunity…
Today at GA: Susan Faye Wonderland
Reflections from the 222nd General Assembly
Today at GA: Chantal Atnip
Reflections from the 222nd General Assembly
Today at GA: Skip Noftzger
Reflections from the 222nd General Assembly
4K for Cancer ride stops in Oil City
Second Presbyterian Church of Oil City hosted 22 young adults who are on a 4,000-plus-mile bike trek across the country. These cyclists stayed at the church building overnight June 10-11 and were fed supper and breakfast by members of the congregation. Team Seattle is one of four groups riding coast-to-coast to raise awareness and money…
Commissioner Corner: Kathy Wells, Presbytery of Carlisle
Describe yourself in one word: Blessed.
Commissioner Corner: Rev. Dr. Douglas Portz, Pittsburgh Presbytery
Doug serves as the Regional Representative for the Board of Pensions to the Synod of the Trinity (excluding Philadelphia).