Pittsburgh Seminary offering graduate certificate in Church Planting and Revitalization
Through four hybrid courses, concurrent fieldwork, a coaching relationship and an integrative final portfolio, students must complete 18 hours of coursework for this certificate.

PC(USA) launches Abuse Prevention Helpline
The toll-free number is 866-607-SAFE.

History: Presbytery of Lackawanna – Still reaching out to its brothers and sisters
Three presbyteries (Susquehanna, Montrose and Luzerne) were merged to form the Presbytery of Lackawanna.

History: Board of Pensions – Supporting pastors for 300 years
By Lea Sitton Stanley The Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is celebrating 300 years of care for ministers and other church workers. It traces its roots to the Fund for Pious Uses, established by Presbyterians in Philadelphia in 1717. In the early 18th century, hundreds of Presbyterian Scots in Ulster, chafing under…