Friends of Jesus group growing in Washington
Anyone who knows Mary Alice Jones will tell you she is a one-of-a-kind person. So it’s only natural that she’s in charge of a ministry that connects with people who are special in their own way. Jones has been leading a service at Church of the Covenant for about 15 years, a worship that is…
Emmaus congregation branching out with ‘The 412′
The Rev. Tim Dooner felt his congregation could do more. So the pastor of Faith Presbyterian Church in Emmaus (PA) pushed his worshipers to go outside of their comfort zones. And that’s when “The 412” was born. On Dec. 6, Faith PC opened the doors to a new ministry in downtown Emmaus, about a mile…
Calvary PC benefits from those moving ‘across the lawn’
On a football field, three yards can make a big difference in the outcome of a game. On appropriately-named Church Street in Indiana, PA, that same nine feet are all that separate two Presbyterian churches with widely-different histories. And a new chapter in the congregations’ memoirs has been written during the past 12-plus months, adding…
Rev. Huete coming to rescue of Kennett immigrants
There are no days and nights there. The workers start long before sunrise and go underground for the next 10-12 hours just to bring home a paycheck that is sometimes less than minimum wage. And the work is backbreaking and unhealthy. Bent over most of the day with minimal light being supplied by a few…