Rev. Dr. Wayne W. Allen, 84, was Synod moderator, acting executive
The Synod of the Trinity is grateful for his service to the Synod and our region.

Mission experience allows student groups to serve in own ‘backyard’
“The most important part of Backyard Missions is what happens when teams return home. The entire experience is aimed at equipping teams with the skills, experiences and questions that will propel them forward as missionaries in their own contexts.”

Columbia PC’s mission trip leaves lasting effect on ‘Dream Team’
“My treat this whole trip was to watch the impact on other people.”

Two new Synod grants help celebrate our 300th birthday
Have you picked up your birthday present yet? What? Huh? Did I miss something? Seriously, PRESBYTERIES: have you picked up your 300th birthday present yet? In this 300th year of the Synod of the Trinity, founded as the Synod of Philadelphia, we want to say thank you to our colleagues across the region for many…

Students at Westminster College transformed as they ‘Experience Alaska’
“Spiritual development is a big part of what we do. We spend time talking about where they saw God present today.”