Being a moderator is all in the family for Judy Veon, Lou Nyiri
Holidays are a time for families to gather around the table and catch up on what they have been up to since the last time they were together. The conversation around the Veon table might be a little more interesting this year. Judy Veon is a Ruling Elder who attends New Wilmington Presbyterian Church. She…
Is U.S. Congress next stop for Rev. Bill Golderer?
“I’m not in this to become a politician. I’m in this to attempt to bring forward some of the things that have been really worth doing in our politics…”
Synod COM-CPM workshops share data to help educate leaders
“The use of demographics is not about learning numbers. It’s about putting a face, a heart, a mind and a behavior on a population so that churches, as they engage people, understand what their hopes and dreams are.”
Rev. Dr. Jean Henderson awarded for work in retirement with ministers
Jean helped start the PEAL (Pastors Encouraging And Listening) Team in Pittsburgh Presbytery and received a national award for her work.
Blue Christmas/Longest Night services help those who are grieving
“If you think about it, ‘It’s the most wonderful time of the year,’ only it’s not.”