‘You have saved lives.’ East Stroudsburg Church serving community during pandemic
“We chose that it was less safe for them not to be meeting given the addiction issue.”

Ruth Rusch, 95, was active in Synod PW
The wife of longtime Synod Executive Director Bill Rusch, Ruth wrote a children’s book at age 91.

Matters of racial injustice come front and center at Trinity-Berwyn
“I didn’t want something ‘in your face,’ but I wanted something honest.”

Annual regional gatherings focus on leading in a crisis and civility
Two days of online meetings with Synod commissioners and presbytery representatives focused on the stay-at-home mandate and “civility.”

Virtual ‘Water Walk’ at First Church of Allentown flourishes
A Water Walk to raise awareness and funds for water insecurity in Malawi raised more than $1,300 locally and in excess of $202,000 nationally.

Bessemer Presbyterian Preschool carving its niche in community
“It’s very clear after two years of operation, our preschool is beloved not only by the children, but their parents, families and our community.”

Presbytery leaders among Pittsburgh area clergy rallying to address injustice
“Voices and energies need to be raised against this wickedness of our generation, and pastors hesitant to wade into these waters are charged to re-examine their reluctance.”

A season of change: A time to move on from our historic home!
PDF version of this letter is available here.

Pioneer Women Reflect on Pioneer Women: Philadelphia congregation produces online video series
“In a real sense, the women in the Bible were pioneers, for their stories were told in a society and time that did not value their leadership or their voices.”

It’s the ‘Summer of Jubilee’ for Crestfield Camp and new director Gene Joiner
“We really are working on ecumenical partnerships because at the end of the day we just want to create an environment for people to encounter Christ.”