Cadiz (Ohio) Church going back in time to celebrate its 200th birthday
“It has not been without struggles, but they continue to thrive as faithful people. The Holy Spirit makes that happen.”

Troubled waters not enough to deter bridge building in West Virginia
God is a master at making the impossible happen. God chooses to use (all of us) to fulfill the promises made to the people of God.

Resurrection Power helping to change lives in Washington, PA
“Our mission is to carry the message of God’s love to those who are affected by substance use disorder.”

Garland Church ‘still percolating’ after 200 years
“We’re a humble, small church. We may have 24 people in attendance on a Sunday morning but they’ve hung in there for 200 years, which I think is phenomenal. We’re still percolating. The good Lord’s not done with us yet.”

First Westminster Church thriving behind community outreach programs
“It’s amazing to see what God does when he brings people together. And it doesn’t matter who is receiving the credit; it’s just the Lord that gets the credit.”

Year 2 of Synod Regional Gatherings for Partnership and Networking: Furthering the Connection
As this piece of our renewed Synod work evolves, we are planning for the presbyteries to have a bigger role in developing the conversations they would like to have together. Stay tuned!